The Do’s and Don’ts of Alcohol Intervention for Seniors
IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT an elderly parent or grandparent's substance use, you're not alone. Americans over the age of 65 should limit...
Epilepsy Affects People of All Ages, Including Seniors
IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE are experiencing epilepsy for the first time after age 65, you're not alone. Among seniors, epilepsy is one of the...
Home Healthcare Market Anticipated Growth Projected to Hit Nearly $350 Billion by 2020
The healthcare industry in the United States continues to experience strong growth, and the home health care sector is also booming....
Care at Home for Patients Has Been Saving Money for Years
As news organizations seem to be focused on the seemingly recent revelation that caring for patients at home saves money, it’s been done...
An Ongoing Fight to Make Home Health Care Work for More Seniors
Increasing numbers of seniors and other Americans approaching retirement age are beginning to understand the value that home health care...

Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse
Abuse can happen to any older person. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help. Share...