Senior Safety: What is hypothermia?

What is Hypothermia?
Facts: Older adults can lose body heat very rapidly.
A big chill could potentially turn into a very serious problem.
When your body temperature gets low, for an older adult, serious health problems can occur. Heart attack, Kidney problems, Liver damage, or even death.
Being outside, or even inside an older home can lead to the dangerous effects of hypothermia.
Tips for keeping warm inside:
1. Set your heat at 68 degrees or higher. (to save on bills, close off rooms you aren't using)
2. Wear long johns under your clothes. Use a blanket when you are sitting or laying down, wear socks and slippers.
3. When sleeping, wear long johns, use extra blankets, wear a cap.
Dress for the weather if you must go outside. wear loose clothing and many layers. Wear a hat and scarf, along with gloves. If its snowey, wear a waterproof jacket.
Early signs of hypothermia:
Cold feet and hands
Puffy or swollen face
Pale skin
Slower than normal speech or slurring words
Acting sleepy
Being angry or confused
Later signs of Hypothermia:
Moving slowly, trouble walking, being clumbsy.
Stiff and jerky arm or leg movements.
Slow shallow breath.
Blacking out or losing consciousness.
For more information call BellaCare Inc at 402-347-0007.
BellaCare Inc Provides In-home care for seniors and people with disabilities.